Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Traditional Whites & Neutrals

Sometimes, finding the right paint colour can be a daunting task.  I can't begin to tell you how many times I've stood at the paint shop and from across the room I can here the mutterings of a person peering into a wall full of colour and saying, "But I just want white!".  Well I'm here to share a few of my favourite traditional whites and neutrals with you.

Here a just a few of my favourites...

Dulux - Fair Bianca
Dulux - Hog Bristle Quarter Strength
Dulux - Chalk USA
Porter's Paint - Cashmere
Porter's Paint - Bianca
Porter's Paint - Mont Blanc
A few others are Murobond - Chalk, Chenille and Chino. Wattyl - Chalkdust, Classic White and Organic Rice.  

There's quite a lot of history in a beautiful old home, so to create a new beginning for your home you need to consider a few things before rushing in to choosing a hue for your walls or ceiling.  Whether it be interior or exterior you will need to consider the "Environment and it's surroundings". Natural light at different times of the day can change a hue dramatically.  Interior - consider flooring, lighting, etc. Exterior - consider bricks, garden, paving, etc.

If you require assistance in choosing a paint colour please do not hesitate to contact Lynette Dawson at La Porta Designs.

Please note: these photo's do not show the true colour, so if you're interested in taking a better look at these hues please refer to the paint company samples. These are just a few of my favourites...you may have one of your own.  Please check colour samples before committing to one hue and check the relevant paint company websites for technical advice.

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